Friday 7 September 2012

Drysan Waterless Toilet

Drysan Waterless Toilet


The DRYSAN toilet has been developed to reinvent the toilet in a way that enables people in all walks of life to have a simple, inexpensive, and compact and ouderless ablution facility that will raise their personal dignity, improve their health, and aid in the preservation of natural resources

The DRYSAN toilet may also be adapted for a squat toilet

BACKGROUND TO THE  DRYSAN                 

The DRYSAN is NOT a composting toilet

The DRYSAN waterless and urine diversion toilet system is intended for use in areas where sewerage lines and sewerage works are unavailable, have been corrupted, or where chemical toilets are currently used. The system may also be used where household’s lack water or have a ‘green’ attitude to the environment.

The use of the DRYSAN extends to informal housing, low cost housing, smallholdings, disaster areas, water challenged areas, military facilities, lodges, farms and many other areas deprived of waterborne toilet facilities

The DRYSAN may be placed in the smallest of informal houses, mud huts, tents etc providing privacy for the occupants and safety at night where women and children do not need to leave their premises for ablution purposes. The installation requires only a small, flat, level (preferably solid) surface partially inside and partially outside the residence. The DRYSAN because of its simplicity can also be considered portable

Currently there are numerous formal, informal settlements and properties where water borne sewerage is collected in septic tanks, untreated pits and long drops. These long drops and sewerage pits may be at a residence or at distance from the residence, in a communal pit. A sewer line or channel may run to this communal pit, but often does not; excess sewerage often flows into the open, causing health problems and contamination risks for residents

Long drops, pits and chemical toilets (individual and communal) are sometimes emptied, but often infrequently and erratically. They are a major health hazard and have damaging environmental implications as the contents of the pits leach into surrounding ground, causing diseases and polluting underground and above ground water supplies (Known diseases include ascaris, salmonella, shigella, taenia, vibrio cholera, hookworm, ecoli etc)

The DRYSAN may further be used to replace chemical toilets that are inherently eco unfriendly, often very smelly because they are used communally. Furthermore chemical toilets are seldom emptied on a regular and consistent basis, and become a major health hazard

Long drops, faeces pits and chemical toilets are a major creator of smells and encourage the breeding of flies and parasites

The advantage of the DRYSAN is the separation of faeces and urine at source – the faeces is deposited in a sealed bin, bucket or bag and may then be removed from the DRYSAN unit when full

The size of the container or bag, and the toilet usage will determine the frequency of removal

 The ability of the individual to remove the stored faeces from even the most crowded settlement makes this system unique. Trucks and tanks are not required. The removal of the faeces may be done by wheeling the bin or carrying the plastic bag to a local authority or private collection point (maybe a skip)

 The urine may also be removed in a rolling container

Both urine and faeces are saleable products as both may be used as fertilizers

Drysan is currently seeking investors

Waterless Toilet DRYYSAN

Waterless Toilet

Waterless Toilet DRYYSAN

Waterless Toilet DRYSAN

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Eco-friendly Drysan Waterless Toilet Seeks Investors - Investments Article by Fiona Barry

Eco-friendly Drysan Waterless Toilet Seeks Investors - Investments Article by Fiona Barry
South African inventors of the environmentally friendly Drysan WATERLESS Toilet (patented) is now seeking investors. For more info on investment opportunities please email or
Find us on Facebook as Drysan or Greener Technology and/or follow us on Twitter @RedDiceEvents

Monday 27 August 2012

Eco-friendly Drysan Waterless Toilet Seeks Investors - Investments Article by Fiona Barry

Eco-friendly Drysan Waterless Toilet Seeks Investors - Investments Article by Fiona Barry

Drysan Waterless Toilet (Patented) Seeking investors

The Drysan Waterless Toilet (Patented) is now offering investment opportunities

Brief Decription

This is a pedestal or a squat toilet

The DRYSAN toilet requires little installation work. As shown in the video, all that is required is a flat base for the unit housing and bin, and a hole in the wall of the formal or informal dwelling (template provided) for the toilet housing to be inserted. The DRYSAN toilet will fit into any type of dwelling, whether a brick house, a tin shack, a tent or a portable temporary structure

The DRYSAN toilet requires no digging of septic tanks or long drops, although a urine soak away may be required if the collection tank and pump are not utilized

The DRYSAN toilet uses NO chemicals. The DRYSAN toilet is NOT a composting toilet (combines faeces and urine). The DRYSAN toilet will encourage employment opportunities from the manufacture, sale and installation of the unit to the sale of the human by-products (fertilizer etc)

The DRYSAN will enhance the health of the populace and help prevent the contamination of ground water, rivers etc The working model shown of the DRYSAN toilet is a full size prototype that has been proven and used in authentic conditions on the smallholding on which is was designed and built

This DRYSAN prototype has been made in clear plastic to enable a visual inspection of the workings. The DRYSAN toilet works as a urine diversion and faeces separation unit.

The urine and faeces are separated at the pedestal, the urine flowing down to the base of the unit and then to the rear, and the faeces driven upwards on a conveyer that leads outside the residence

The faeces is driven upwards on the conveyer (worked by a foot lever at the pedestal) and then deposited in a bag located in the bin. The ‘bag’ may range from a plastic shopping bag to a large rubbish bin bag.

The urine flows from the rear base of the unit into a removable collection vessel, a soak away or French drain. After the conveyer has deposited the faeces in the plastic bag, the conveyer is cleaned by brushes. There is also a water cleaning station provided for the conveyer.

The separation of the solids and urine by the DRYSAN toilet at source prevents unpleasant odours, and as the unit is sealed, flies are not a problem; a vent for the removal of any odours that may arise is also provided on the conveyer housing

As the possible user of the DRYSAN toilet will be informal dwellers, the bag in which the faeces is deposited may vary from a large bin bag to a plastic shopping bag. The bag may be enclosed in the wheeled bin, or may be stand alone without the wheeled bin. The DRYSAN toilet is without doubt the simplest, most compact and most user- friendly system yet developed. It satisfies all the requirements necessary to enable any citizen of any country no matter how basic their accommodation, to relieve themselves in privacy and with dignity.

The DRYSAN toilet will enhance the security of woman and children as they will not need to leave their living area to relieve themselves during the day or after dark. The DRYSAN toilet will only enhance the health of the populace and help prevent contamination of soil and ground water

 Investment Opportunity

We have invented and patented a waterless toilet that is receiving local and overseas interest by private and government agencies. The toilet is a completely new way of resolving the problems associated with the lack, and collapse, of ablution facilities in formal and informal settlements A fuller picture of the Drysan unit may be viewed on our Drysan website or Facebook page. The Drysan prototype unit has been proven on our test site over the last few months. Very briefly we have arranged for the product to be fully cad designed, moulds made, manufactured, assembled, stored and dispatched by a large
injection moulding company near by (BEE approved)
It is not our intention (at this stage) to create our own manufacturing facilities, the capital cost being too high. The value of funds required is R5M which will cover all mould costs and running costs until production + 4 months by which time the project will be self sustaining (not all funds are needed up front). We estimate 7 months maximum to produce the first unit

We estimate a sales price of about R3850 (or less) and a cost of about R1850 (or less) We are prepared to offer a very reasonable % in the ownership of a company to be formed to a financial backer. We have an abridged business plan (abridged because everything is sub contracted) which I will gladly forward should you be interested. Email us on Find us on Facebook